Thing 8. Google Drive

This week you will investigate the benefits of online collaboration and file-sharing.

Working in teams is essential to the staff structure of many library services. We frequently work with colleagues to create a single document (for instance, when formulating library procedure). However, it can get confusing when multiple versions of a single file are circulated and several people attempt to edit the same document individually.


Tools such as Google Docs (now housed in Google Drive) are designed to enable you to share information and documents more effectively when working with others on a joint project.

Google Docs allows multiple people to edit the same document, spreadsheet or presentation without creating duplicate copies. Documents can either be uploaded or created from scratch within Google Docs. Everyone can access the file in the one place, thus making it much simpler to edit and update.

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  1. Create a practice document using Google Drive and share it with your colleagues.
  2. Write a short post about how you might use Google Drive in your role at Yarra Libraries. Also include the link to the document you’ve created.
  3. Continue to read and comment on your colleague’s blog posts.

How to create a Google Doc

Accessing Google Docs is quite straightforward: simply login with the same username and password that you would use to access your Google account. If you don’t have a Google account, you can quickly set one up by clicking here and completing the online form.

  • Once you have  logged in to Google Drive, click “Create” and choose the type of document you wish to create – eg. a spreadsheet, word document or presentation.

      • A blank document will appear. There is no need to save the newly created document as Google Drive autosaves every few minutes.
      • Rename your document by clicking : File > Rename > Enter a new title > Click Ok
      • To share the document, go to : File > Share > Choose the level of access (Anyone with a link) > Make sure “can view” appears in the drop down box next to Access: Anyone (no sign required) > Click Save. Copy and paste the hyperlink to your document in your blog post about Google Drive.